Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization refers to a program of treatment to restore efficient musculoskeletal movement by retraining a person in their physical movement i.e. retrieving the motor programming they learned as infants.
The basic idea is that as infants there are a number of fundamental movements a person learns. Through daily living, movements become compromised through stress, inactivity, injury or trauma. The brain forgets the original movements. Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization provides “exercises and techniques that are options to retrieve this ideal motor programming at times working as a ‘recovery dis’ for a mature computer (central nervous system) that has been corrupted after infancy”1
Dr Pavel Kolar, a physiotherapist and teacher at the Prague Institute of Rehabilitation, developed the technique after studying the work of Dr. Karel Lewit a doctor whose areas of specialty were spinal problems and manipulation. Kolar also based his techniques on the work of Dr. Vaclav Vojta who studied neurology in children, developmental problems and physical movement. Kolar’s work has been primarily in rehabilitation. Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization is based on the principles of developmental kinesiology which looks at how motor skills are first formed when an infant is developing basic postural movement. The objective is to restore the efficiency of movement, to regain proper breathing patterns and to restore stability. In this way, the functions of the musculoskeletal system can be optimized.
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