Postpartum depression has no single cause. After childbirth physical, emotional and lifestyle changes all occur. 80% of women experience some mood changes after childbirth. 10-20% of women develop postpartum depression (PPD).
Physically, a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels drop dramatically, thyroid hormones may also drop, and changes in immune system, metabolism and blood volume all occur. Emotionally you’re sleep deprived, anxious about caring for a newborn, you feel disconnected with your old life, unattractive and struggling for a new sense of identity. Your lifestyle has changed. The demand from a baby, breast-feeding, and perhaps lack of support from your partner can be overwhelming.
The baby blues are common and usually last a week or two. They include mood swings, trouble sleeping, sadness, crying, anxiety and trouble concentrating. At home take care of yourself. Sleep when baby does. Try not to spend too much time alone. Talk to other mothers and don’t expect too much from yourself. Ask friends and family for help.
Postpartum depression is intense and longer lasting. Eventually your ability to care for your baby and manage daily tasks may be impeded.
Postpartum depression symptoms include insomnia, intense anger, extreme fatigue, severe mood swings, difficulty bonding with your baby and thoughts of harming your baby or yourself.
Get help immediately if you’re feeling depressed after your baby’s birth. Consult your physician when choosing treatment. Psychological help, medications, group therapy and support groups are all available to assist in managing the symptoms of PDD.
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