Yoga for Children

Yoga for children is yoga practice that is geared to children of varying ages and introduces yoga poses in a non-competitive, upbeat and creative way.  Typically, a class will include music, storytelling, games, art, fun postures, activities with a theme to them, and simple visualisation.  Yoga for children must include the vital component of play.  Children have shorter attention spans and so poses are not be held for long periods of time.  There are opportunities for children just to be silly, make noise or move freely.  Postures are less advanced and safe.  Yoga can be a very positive experience for children. 

There are many benefits for children:

  •  Yoga classes allow children to become more aware of their bodies and how they move
  • Children learn how to become more aware of their breathing and how to calm the mind
  • The postures and movements allow creativity and improve flexibility, coordination and strength
  • Children can make new friendships and learn teamwork and cooperation

Basic yoga movements can also be shared with children who are still at the infant stage.   Classes are interactive between teacher and mother-child.  Infants learn how to relax, breathe and move their bodies.  The mother-baby bond is nurtured.  As well, moms can make social connections and find support and encouragement in the community of other moms.

Yoga instructors who lead classes for children have taken additional training beyond foundational yoga to study and practice yoga postures tailored to youth, communicating with children, as well as teaching and mentoring techniques.


Specific Techniques


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