Adria began her studies in the healing arts over 20 years ago, weaving the philosophies of ancient Chinese Acupressure techniques, Energy Healing, Intuitive Coaching, and Qi Gong techniques into her personal life and those of her clients.
Each session is tailored to the client’s needs whether it is an Aromatherapy Massage, Acupressure with Intuitive Coaching, Energy Healing with Medical Qi Gong, releasing sabotage with Psych-K, or a fusion of all these healing techniques.
How Adria can work with your health needs:
Meditation Classes & Training
Adria teaches classes to support and establish health & wellbeing through: Guided Meditation & Soul Journeying, Qi Gong, Self-development, Private Retreats, and Fusion Acupressure Certificate Training.
Fusion Acupressure: Certificate Training
Adria is a practitioner and founder of Fusion Acupressure, a healing art that integrates eastern and western principles of health, energy & intuition grounded in acupressure. She has taught personal and professional acupressure classes in Canada, Hawaii, and Australia since 2008.
A full list of her qualifications include:
BSc major in Medical Anthropology and the Social Science, Fusion Acupressure, Medical Qi Gong, Advanced Psych-K, Jin Shin Do®, Registered with IICT. Additional study includes: Kinergetics, Touch for Health, Reiki, Thought Field Therapy and NLP.
Physical Relief:
Experience Ancient principles of Acupressure and Medical Qi Gong to balance energy, relieve physical tension and release chronic pain in your body.
Emotional Balance:
Receive Inner Guidance and Intuitive Coaching to balance subconscious beliefs and stored trauma in the body – mind connection.
Spiritual Connection:
Feel empowered and reconnect with your heart, your purpose and your personal compass in life, healing, and wellness.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays